viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020


Candy Christine Scobling (IES Virgen del Espino) nos cuenta qué actividades realizó en el aula durante la visita del profesor experto César Martín (IES María Moliner):

I’ve been lucky enough to be paired up with César Martín from IES María Moliner in Segovia. We both teach at schools which run the British Council programme and the Bachillerato de Investigación y Excelencia en Idiomas, and when we met at the training day for this programme in Valladolid, we asked to set up this interprovincial one to one (thanks CFPI !). 
We originally scheduled my visit to Segovia in January but had to cancel it due to illness. Therefore, César, who’s my expert, came to observe my classes at my school, IES Virgen del Espino in Soria, today, and I’ll be visiting him in Segovia tomorrow and Friday.
We’ve had an intense day due to no breaks between classes, but I’m glad I’ve been able to show César the different levels that I teach. We began with 4ESO bilingual where we were practising improv theatre skills for their oral task, 1ESO bilingual where we were talking about the Sustainable Development Goals and the problems with the world today, 1 Bach BIE in which they were giving TED talk presentations, and 2 Bach BIE where we held a round table discussion about their investigation projects. 
It was great to have César observing and participating, and he’s already given me a whole bunch of great ideas to improve activities and introduce others. 
Looking forward to the next two days observing César in Segovia! 

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