martes, 10 de marzo de 2020


Candy Christine Scobling (IES Virgen del Espino) comparte con nosotros en qué consistió su segunda observación del profesor experto César Martín (IES María Moliner):

On Thursday I spent the morning in school with César Martín at IES María Moliner. It was an excellent morning and I was able to see various different levels. I also realised just how similar our schools are as the bilingual students reminded me of my own. They had absolute respect for Cesar in class, as he did them, and were motivated by all the activities, which made for a great classroom atmosphere.
In 1st year, they were working on a cross-curricular project about Ancient Gods, worked in groups to piece stories together and learnt vocabulary through Plickers, an excellent resource which Cesar had mentioned to me before and I now plan to use in my classes.
In 2nd year, they completed a vocabulary exam also using Plickers, which is an excellent and ludic way to assess students, and saves time on marking! They also did a murder mystery task, working in groups to piece together clues. 
In 2nd year bachillerato de investigación y excelencia, the language assistant, Jason (who’s much more mature than most assistants and obviously has years of teaching experience under his belt), carried out an activity with Cesar to prep students for Cambridge exams. They had to pretend to be members of the school board, deciding which measures to implement in the event of a coronavirus outbreak.  And after that, they did a short drama activity where a pair was given a situation and had to persuade the other to do something. I’ll be adding this activity to my improv classes. 
Later, as it was a double lesson, I got to chat to the girls about their investigation projects and learnt the differences and similarities between how we work in the BIE and how they work, and while they were working on presentations, Cesar and I discussed the different platforms we use for project work and assessment on the computer. I use Google Classroom and he uses Drive and Additio, which I think I’ll also be using in the future!
All in all a fantastic morning and I couldn’t wait for the following day

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